Enrolment options

"Financial Market Decisions" is a 6 ECTS/4 contact hours mandatory module in the first semester of our International Business and Finance master programme. Students understand the essentials of mathematical decision theory as well as the psychological aspects of market participant behavior. They critically reflect the concepts for performance and risk measurement which are used to support decision taking in financial markets. They understand how to implement the concepts with real market data in the programming language R.

We will have face-2-face classroom sessions on Mondays in the afternoon (2 to 5 pm) and virtual meetings in Zoom on Wednesday mornings from 8 to 9.30 am. For details please refer to the syllabus.

Your grade will be determined by a final exam before Christmas. Bonus points (in total up to 50%) towards the final exam may be earned via

  • DataCamp certificates for online self-study (20%) - each 4- to 5-hour certificate contribute 2 percentage points, the three introductory courses contribute 1 percentage point,
  • a research paper on a historical case of market failure (20%) and
  • the presentation of your paper (10%) in December.
Datacamp certificates are due on January 15th. Due date for the seminar paper ist December 23rd, for the presentation slides December 18th (prior to the presentation).

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)