Topics: This course covers important principles in macroeconomics and international trade. We will discuss topics such as the effects of adverse shocks (e.g. different recent crisis situations) on economies, how fiscal and monetary policy work and how such policies can be used in times of crisis. We will analyze the impact of trade on economies, openness to trade versus protectionism and the implications of different trade instruments.
Group 1 (classroom): Wednesdays, 08:00-09:30, W3.01
Group 2 (zoom): Fridays, 11:40-13:10 (zoom link in Moodle class)
Assessment and contribution to module mark: written exam
Credits: 4 SWS / 5 CPs
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Maria Lehner
- Dozent/in: Maria Lehner

- Understand the main tasks of the Human Resources Department
- Be able to conduct tasks such as staff planning, defining job profiles, recuiting and selecting candidates, determining salary levels and defining performance goals
- Combine all contents in order to
solve case studies and real life tasks of HR professionals
- Know about intercultural aspects of teams and international issues of staffing
- Be able to suggest different organisational designs in order to achieve strategic goals
- Dozent/in: Sarah Melanie Hatfield
- Dozent/in: Carolin Palmer

- Dozent/in: Alisa Kasle-Henke
- Dozent/in: Svea Schauffler
Please note: exceptionally, an additional class "VWL I/Microeconomics" is being offered in the winter term 2023/2024, as a preparation for the "VWL I / Microeconomics" exam in the winter term 2023/2024. The moodle course for this class is to be found in moodle at "WS 2023/2024 - Orientierungsphase/orientation phase". Please inscribe in the respective moodle class if you would like to take the "VWL I/Microeconomics" exam in the winter term 2023/2024.
Topics: The course “Economics I / Microeconomics” covers the incentives and decision making processes of firms and consumers and the resulting market equilibrium. We will look at the impact of different market environments on the market equilibrium and the welfare of an economy. We will also analyze why certain market environments can imply market failure and why certain regulatory measures can be applicable. We will furthermore evaluate the impact of different regulatory measures on the market equilibrium and the welfare of an economy. Finally, we will discuss recent economic developments and critically evaluate proposed policy measures in light of recent economic developments.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Maria Lehner
Assessment and contribution to module mark: written exam (90 minutes)
Dates: Fridays, 14:10-17:00 (starting Nov 3rd, 2023) (via zoom)
Registration: via moodle
- Dozent/in: Maria Lehner