This is the Moodle course room for the module Crosscultural Management taking place on Tuesdays at 9:50 for 2nd semester students of International Management.

Es handelt sich um eine Pflichtvorlesung im 2. Semester IM, die 4 SWS pro Woche umfasst. Die Veranstaltung findet immer mittwochs  von 08:00 - 11:20 Uhr statt. 

Die Aufgaben für die Übung werden wöchentlich auf Moodle bereitgestellt. Eine Bearbeitung dieser Aufgaben im Vorfeld ist Voraussetzung. 

Bitte bringen Sie in die Veranstaltung Ihr HGB inkl. PublG mit.

Der Leistungsnachweis wird durch eine schriftliche Klausur erbracht. Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Gesetzestexte (nur Verweise, keine weiteren Notizen), BMF-Schreiben und Taschenrechner.

Die Vorlesung (90 min) findet immer mittwochs von 9:50-11:20 Uhr statt. Es werden Übungsblätter online gestellt und entsprechende Lösungen in der Übung (mittwochs 8:00 - 9:30 Uhr) besprochen.

The course consists of two parts:

Part I "Introduction to Finance" - Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht: You will obtain a broad understanding of how a company finances its operations and how the company's liabilities are managed.

Part II "Capital Markets" - Prof. Dr. Björn Häckel: This part covers the models of Modern Portfolio Theory. You will need a basic understanding of statistics, so this part will only start after your statistics class has covered the necessary topics.

Course language for both parts of the course is English. Classroom sessions are face-2-face Thursdays from 8 am to 11.20 am in room in M1.02 (in the building next door).

There will be one final exam (90 minutes, 90 points) covering both topics of the module. Each part will consist of open questions and mathematical problems in English language and cover 45 points (of the total of 90). The exam has to be passed in total, i.e. you have to obtain at least 45 points. The two parts don't have to be passed separately.

Topics: The course “Economics I / Microeconomics” covers the incentives and decision making processes of firms and consumers and the resulting market equilibrium. We will look at the impact of different market environments on the market equilibrium and the welfare of an economy. We will also analyze why certain market environments can imply market failure and why certain regulatory measures can be applicable. We will furthermore evaluate the impact of different regulatory measures on the market equilibrium and the welfare of an economy. Finally, we will discuss recent economic developments and critically evaluate proposed policy measures in light of recent economic developments.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Maria Lehner

Assessment and contribution to module mark: written exam (90 minutes)


Group 1: Wednesdays 11:25 -12:55 (room: W1.01)

Group 2: Fridays, 08:15 – 09:45 (via zoom, access details to zoom are provided in the first section of the moodle class)

Registration: via moodle