The overarching theme of the seminar is “Human- and Data-centered AI”. We will cover a wide range of AI-related topics. From now on, I will offer the Masterseminar every semester with a focus on MIN students. The seminar is not intended for first-semester students. There is a strong recommendation to attend the Workshop first.

BIS students can attend only if they got a 5,0 / dropped out of the previous semester with prof. Görmer-Redding. 

The aim of the master's seminar is to promote autonomous research work on a particular topic.

  • The students expand their knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic, investigate the methodology, potential critical points and open questions. 
  • They summarise the results in a long abstract with two open questions and present the results to the class.
  • They participate in the discussions of their peers' presentations and adopt a critical approach towards their own work.
  • At the end they submit a paper on the chosen topic.
The content of all presentations is thematically related to encourage discussion. 

Abfrage zur Verpflegung während der Projekt-Kick-Off-Tage im WS 2024/25 (02.-04.10.2024)