Die Vorlesung ist eine Pflichtveranstaltung im 2. Semester Internationales Management.
Die Vorlesung findet jeden Dienstag von 09:50 - 13:00 Uhr in Raum W2.14 statt.
Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: Taschenrechner.
Einkauf und Beschaffung, Bedarfsplanung, Bestellpolitik, Bestellverfahren und Bestellmenge, Make or Buy
Produktionsprozesse, Prozesskennzahlen, Reduzierung von Durchlauf- und Wartezeiten, Bestandsmanagement, Lagerhaltung und Transport,
- Dozent/in: Florian Waibel
General information:
In the summer term 2023, the course "VWL I/Microeconomics" will be taught by Prof. Cashel-Cordo (USA).
The course will take place during the second half of the summer term starting on Thursday, May 11th. There will be one lecture per week for all students taking this class and two tutorial groups out of which you can chose to attend one of these two groups.
Please all be advised that you will have to register for taking the VWLI/Microeconomics exam during the regular exam registration period (i.e. before the course actually starts in mid May)!!!
Lecturer: Prof. Peter Cashel-Cordo
Assessment and contribution to module mark: written exam (90 minutes)
Dates (the course starts on Thursday, May 11th):
- Thursdays 14:00-17:00: Tutorial group 1
- Fridays 08:00-11:00: Lecture for all students taking the Microeconomics class
- Fridays 11:45-14:45: Tutorial group 2
- Dozent/in: Peter Cashel-Cordo
- Dozent/in: Maria Lehner
This moodle class on VWL I / Microeconomics is only relevant for Master students or students from Ulster University!!!
The regular VWL I / Microeconomics class in the summer term 2023 will be taught by Prof. Cashel-Cordo (blocked class, starting in mid May 2023, further infos are to follow).
Prof. Dr. Maria Lehner
Assessment and contribution to module mark: seminar paper
Dates: tbd
Registration: via moodle (you will receive the password for this moodle class via email)
- Dozent/in: Maria Lehner