Aims of the course:
- You will be able to formulate targeted search queries.
- You are familiar with the university library catalogue (InfoGuidePlus).
- You will be able to order books and journal articles from other libraries via interlibrary loan.
- You are familiar with online portals for academic e-books and electronic journal articles and know how to access them free of charge.
- You can search in academic search engines.
- You will be able to find citable literature for your academic work.
Requirements for the "Information Literacy" badge:
Completing both Information Literacy courses means either
- Attend both online seminars "Research" and "Citation".
- or use the self-study materials and complete the Sure? tasks (at least 50% were solved correctly) of both Moodle courses.
- or using the self-study materials and attending the face-to-face seminar, which takes up the content of both courses.
- Dozent/in: Daniela Ponholzer